11 Types of Explainer Videos Your Business Should Know About (With Examples)

We're all citizens of the information age. But it's time to accept that we're fully in a new chapter of this story, where video has surpassed text as the preferred medium for information and reigns supreme.

And marketing is no different. With every company and brand embracing video marketing today, if you're not fluent in video, you're working at a major disadvantage.

In this blog, we'll run through eleven common kinds of explainer videos out there, what they do and what makes them work so well– complete with some great examples of each. We'll analyze and deconstruct each of them to figure out why they work and what we can all learn from them.

And hopefully, by the end of this list, you'll be armed with the knowledge you need to connect with your audience in a whole new way, driving conversions and amplifying your brand and message!

Types of Animated Explainer Videos (With Examples)
When we're talking about the major types of explainer videos that your business should be aware of, it is important to add a bit more context to it.

You see, explainer videos can be categorized in many different ways.

But the most common categorization comes in the form of animation style and use case.

So in this section, we are going to cover the major types of explainer videos based on the above two categories.

Starting with:

1. Types of Explainer Videos Based on Animation Style
Let’s get something quite clear from the get-go: Video, especially animated video, is an artform. And just like any artform, there are a myriad of styles and types, each with their own unique strengths.

Here's six of the most common types.

Type #1: 2D Animation Explainer Videos

What They Are: These are the bread and butter of animated explainer videos. They use flat, colorful graphics to convey information quickly and effectively.

Why They Work: They're simple, clean, and versatile. Perfect for explaining data-heavy topics or complex processes in a visually engaging way.

When to Use Them: They can be used just about anywhere, but their strength lies in explaining complex, often abstract topics clearly and simply. This is because animation allows for visualization of things that would be otherwise hard to depict, using clever graphic metaphors and symbols to bring difficult topics to life.

Example: FTC Ransomware animated explainer video company

Here's an example of a relatively complex topic being broken down into simple, easy to understand terms.

This infographic animation by the FTC was designed to help teach small business owners about ransomware. The challenge was that small business owners are simply too busy to take a crash course in cybersecurity.

And furthermore, most small business owners simply believe it can't happen to them, that hacking and ransomware are things that happen to huge corporations, not small mom-and-pop businesses.

So this video sets out to get the viewer's attention quickly, and explain the points within just a minute and a half.

Type #2: Character/Cartoon Explainer Videos

What They Are: These videos use character animation to tell a story. Whether it's a hero solving a problem or a relatable character navigating your product, they connect emotionally with viewers.

Why They Work: People love stories. And when you add a fun character to the mix, the connection becomes even stronger.

When to Use Them: Great for showcasing customer success stories, onboarding videos, or simplifying technical concepts for a broader audience. The use of a “character” is highly effective in humanizing and grounding the ideas presented, whether through a friendly host or an audience surrogate playing the role of the viewer in the story.




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